乾正设计 ︳懿市集 隐匿的地下森林
Fading into the plain sight of the social life is the highest level of practice for a recluse. The noisy and tempting urban life has made us into busy puppets.
Burdened with too many restrains, an exit to escape is the only desire……
To live a life of recluse doesn’t only refer to wild nature of mountains and rivers. The higher practice is however, to enjoy the solitary lifestyle alongside the prosperity of the city……
Yi Market is located on the B1 floor of Orient Yide City. It acquires both solitary and prosperous characteristics, in that there’s no metro connected directly here, but also it is the core of a highly-condensed residential area.
How to introduce customers to this hidden, narrow-lane underworld and to attract them to linger for longer, was a big challenge facing the designer.
The design is inspired by the concept of「The Hidden Forestry Underworld」. The designer composes light and shade through the intervals of the “Forest foliage”. About 12000 m? market space is feathered under the dazzling effect. Streets and lanes, plazas, stores and the giant escalator at the entrance of the market are all covered in shimmering, of the turbulent flare of Forestry. The earth tone color, the concise geographical spacial composition, the unpretentiousness, is waking the urban habitants up from triviality to the ideal lifestyle - “Back to the Nature”.
When entering the atrium of Yi Market, we will encounter the “Fortitude Wall” on the side, which stands through the above- and under-ground, aligning with the 35-meter-height escalator, as if a magnificent scenery of rocks and crags. The halo of twilight penetrates the “rocks”, taking us traveling among the woods.
The giant beams and columns grow freely in the towering space as if they are the ancient arbors, adding layers to the space. The intersected escalators and the transportation space formed by open structure of beams and columns become the stage for commercial activities.
集市广场Market Plaza
When you stroll along the Market Avenue, the sunshine is sprinkled sparsely from the ceiling grid, the world is in-between illusion and reality. Relying on a humble earth-tone brick wall background, the sizzling gourmets are already waiting for the wandering pedestrians at the end of the flagstone pavement.
While having a nice meal and taking a rest at the “Arbor Umbrage Station”, you will drop into a moment of solitary satisfaction, aside from the prosperous and dreaming hallucination land.
Looking at the main street from small lane.The whole space symbolizes the original status of life, encouraging people to discover the beauty and charm embedded in the poetry tranquil face of life.
▼关于图纸About Drawing
Project name项目名称: Yi Market懿市集
Design Company设计公司:ARIZON DESIGN乾正设计
Designer设计师: SHEN JUNWEI申俊伟
Completion Year完工时间: 2019.04.28
Project location项目地址: Shanghai,China.中国.上海
Project Area项目面积:12000㎡
Photography摄影:Dirk weiblen
Terra cotta brick, Stone, Terrazzo, Wood-Aluminum board, Stainless steel etc.
申 俊伟(ELSON)
乾正设计ARIZON DESIGN| 创始人兼设计总监Founder and Design Director
他希望构筑的空间是一种共存状态,从中诞生人与环境的对话,产生共鸣;让人与环境的和谐相处,人与人,人与环境融为一体, 让他的「生态时尚」设计哲学融入每一个项目。
He wish that the space we construct is a status of common existence. The conversation emerges between people and this environment can speak to the subconscious need of all participants. The environment invites all human to be part of it, upon which a universal pattern of relationship can be built. Let his「ECO-FASHION」design philosophy be integrated into every project.
He fully explores the aesthetic and commercial potential of architecture, creats impressive and unexpectedly wonderful experience through the perfect combination of art and technology.
乾正设计2008年创建于上海,專為精品百貨&購物中心提供室內設計及顧問服務, 以“設計驅動商業未來”為使命,帮助客戶創造更大的商業價值!
Founded in Shanghai in 2008,Arizon design provide interior design and consulting services for department store and shopping mall."Design drives the future of your business" is the mission of Arizon, use our creativity to help clients achieve higher business value!
乾正设计也在国际权威设计大奖中屡获殊荣,包括英國WAF AWARDS (World Architecture Festival世界建築節獎)、澳大利亞Melbourne Design Awards、美國- Architizer A+ Awards、台灣TID AWARD;意大利A'design award;美国IIDA;美国IDA Award;新加坡Singapore Interior Design Awards;韓國ASIA DESIGN PRIZE;荷蘭Frame Awards;中國IDEA—TOPS艾特獎;美國The Architecture MasterPrize;香港APIDA亞太區室內設計大獎;香港a&d China 2018 Architecture& Design Awards;中國金外灘獎等。
乾正设计 ︳懿市集~隐匿的地下森林
乾正设计 ︳懿市集 隐匿的地下森林
NEWS丨乾正设计 喜获 2019 墨尔本设计奖 金奖
乾正设计 | 申俊伟:故事述说空间 设计触碰人心
乾正快讯 | 申俊伟荣获德国iF2020设计大奖
乾正设计申俊伟荣获德国iF DESIGN AWARD 2020设计大奖
匠心独运 乾正设计获意大利A’DESIGN AWARD一金两银三奖
喜讯 | 乾正设计荣获意大利A’DESIGN AWARD一金两银三项大奖
网址: 乾正设计 ︳懿市集 隐匿的地下森林 http://www.zhuangxiutp.com/newsview8367.html
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