设计赋能2021| Ariel Hovav:探索城市边界 触摸个性生活
Ariel Hovav AH!ARCHITECTS建筑设计事务所创始人
作为出生于世界文明之都耶路撒冷的以色列本土设计师,Ariel Hovav获得过多项国内和国际奖项的殊荣,包括PCBC金块奖、Creadaward地产设计大奖、REARD全球地产设计大奖等。与此同时,他的Agbaria住宅项目,也被英国广播电视公司BBC和NETFLIX选入其制作的系列纪录片《世界上最非凡的住宅(The World's Most Extraordinary Homes)》。
在创立AH!ARCHITECTS之前,从以色列阿里尔大学建筑系学有所成的Ariel Hovav,在Fleisher+Hadari建筑事务所开始了他的职业生涯。2014年来到中国后,他先后任职于骏地设计和法国恩蒂埃集团。受以色列特殊文化的影响,Ariel Hovav多年来始终致力于在建筑设计中彰显文化的多样性。
To understand the relations between the design and the urban development we need to narrow down and define what are these terms representing.
On One side, we have the city development, which is one of the first stages in the planning process, and as such, the scale of it is usually very big and hard to grasp by any individual person (both common people and urban planners). The urban development also takes in consideration a very complex infostructure and other facilities that will be very hard to move or change, therefore it must be somehow an “open-edge” plan that keep room for flexibility and changes in the future. This is where the design start to play its role by shaping and changing those flexible “open-edges” left by the urban development plan. in a way, we can say that the Design represents the near future or the current present while constantly changing
After we define the general frames of those two terms, we can start to see how they are impacting each other and what important role the design has. The design actually takes the mediator role or the joints that connects between the so called “big plan” or the future to the individuals that living in the cities at present. In another aspect, we can see how Design creates a clear visual language that “translating” and transmitting the urban development to common people. This language is not transmitted by words, but by views and feelings. It helps everyone and specially the majority of people who are not urban planners or architect’s profession, to understand and connect to the city where they live.
Here we are actually talking about the other side of the design. Therefore, we need to redefine and frame what design means in our life.
If on the urban environment we talked about visual language, here, once the design “touch” and exist in our own world, it effects the personal experience and shape our own behavior. It became part of what we do and how we do things. Here the impact relations are between us, the people, and the design.
The interesting thing about it is, that in our current modern world, the technologies allow us to make more things that are custom made yet within affordable price. that bring the design to a different level where it’s much more accurate and personalize. We can see how each space around us is different in one way or another, and how each person is influencing his or her self-environment. I think that this relations between our own lifestyle and our living environments will have much close relation to each other, and much more intimate and personal
聚焦设计思考 赋能城市未来
设计赋能2021| Ariel Hovav:探索城市边界 触摸个性生活
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网址: 设计赋能2021| Ariel Hovav:探索城市边界 触摸个性生活 http://www.zhuangxiutp.com/newsview57097.html

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