演绎浴室艺术文化,ALL SHINE&ALICE新品发布会9月16日在厦门启幕
艺术似乎总拥有着执着的个性,执着于无边际的设计。执着于前沿的科技,更执着于瞩目的细节。而细节又是打开人内心深处的那一组密码。ALLSHINE &ALICE的使命就是在于无数次直线与曲线的变化中发现那瞬间消失的答案,将宇宙中的至美呈现于现实。
Art always seems to have persistent personality and persistent design. Stick to cutting-edge technology, and stick to eye-catching details. And details are the set of passwords that open people's hearts. ALLSHINE &ALICE's mission is to find the answer that disappeared instantly in countless changes of straight lines and curves, and to present the beauty in the universe to reality.
If exquisiteness is the source of details, we agree that details can be realized only through rigorous attitude and careful operation. We love to call every product a work. Because we firmly believe that every design is endowed with unique soul, we shoulder the responsibility and honor in our daily work, and we cherish the choice of users very much to ensure that every process can make the works create value for users.
喜悦的分享…没错,我们时刻都期待着与您见证浴室最唯美的空间!这也是ALLSHINE &ALICE一个与您永恒不变的约定!
Joy sharing … Yes, we are always looking forward to witnessing the most beautiful space in the bathroom with you! This is also an eternal agreement between ALLSHINE &ALICE and you!
厦门作为东南沿海重要的中心城市,这里有着卓越的审美能力及格调生活的不懈追求。今秋九月,启动原创作品,演绎浴室艺术文化,ALL SHINE & ALICE新品发布即将呈现!
Xiamen, as an important central city in the southeast coast, has excellent aesthetic ability and unremitting pursuit of style and life. In this autumn and September, the original works will be launched and the bathroom art and culture will be interpreted. The new product release of ALL SHINE & ALICE will be presented soon!
演绎浴室艺术文化,ALL SHINE&ALICE新品发布会9月16日在厦门启幕
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网址: 演绎浴室艺术文化,ALL SHINE&ALICE新品发布会9月16日在厦门启幕 http://www.zhuangxiutp.com/newsview47360.html

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