3月1日,立邦中国与美国康宁公司共同向湖北省商务厅指定的4家新冠肺炎定点医院,捐赠价值500万的立邦儿童漆--抗病毒涂料(立邦疫情期间定制款,未上市),总计面积超过十二万平方米。此次捐赠的涂料,运用了全球领先的材料科学技术公司美国康宁的抗病毒技术Corning Guardiant? Antimicrobial Particles,立邦希望将前沿技术成果用于抗疫第一线,为巩固健康防线提供更多助力。
早在2019年6月,立邦就与康宁开始合作研发抗病毒涂料,将立邦儿童漆结合康宁的抗病毒抗菌技术的材料Corning Guardiant? Antimicrobial Particales,使涂料表面涂层具有灭杀病毒的功能。2020年1月29日,经美国独立认可的第三方实验室Microchem Laboratory 对立邦儿童漆抗病毒涂料进行测试检测,显示运用此涂料的涂层可以灭活>99.9%的猫杯状病毒。猫杯状病毒经美国国家环境保护属(EPA)核准可用来替代人类诺如病毒进行检测。同时,这款涂料在最新的模拟现实室内污染环境的测试条件下,能强效对抗金黄色葡萄球菌、埃希大肠杆菌和铜绿假单胞菌,抗菌率高达>99.99%。立邦儿童漆本身具有环保高标准,获得欧美严苛双认证,通过德国莱茵T?V认证和美国绿色卫士GREENGUARD金级认证。
美国独立认可的第三方实验室Microchem Laboratory检测报告
立邦中国区总裁钟中林表示:”立邦一直致力于突破传统涂料科技的边界,用科技为人们带来可持续发展的产品,此次新型冠状病毒在全球的蔓延加快了我们科技创新的脚步。很高兴能与康宁在这个特殊时期共同完成抗病毒涂料的研发和检测,并捐赠给抗疫一线的医院。我们希望可以通过企业的力量,支持站在抗疫一线的医护人员,为最终战胜疫情贡献一份力量。”。“我们深信,使用了Corning Guardiant? Antimicrobial Particles的立邦儿童漆--抗病毒涂料能为医护人员筑立又一道防线,来减少通过在医疗中心受污表面所引起的感染风险。” 康宁副总裁与项目总监Joydeep Lahiri表示。
News Release
Headline :Nippon Paint and Corning Incorporated donated lab-tested antivirus coatings to hospitals in Hubei
By February 24, 3,387 health workers in 476 hospitals across China had been infected with the coronavirus and more than 90% of them were in Hubei, a media conference held by the WHO-China Joint Mission on COVID-19 was told. As monetary donations and medical supplies pour into the frontline to save vulnerable health workers from the plight of insufficient protection against the virus, research institutes and companies around the world have been working to develop preventative countermeasures and protective solutions, hoping to end the epidemic or at least allow frontline health workers to be better protected.
On March 1 Nippon Paint China and Corning Incorporated donated 5 million RMB worth of Nippon Paint Antivirus Kids Paint (specially produced for frontline hospital use, not available in the market) to four Hubei coronavirus-designated hospitals with a total area of 120,000 square meters. In this product, Nippon Paint adopted Corning Guardiant? Antimicrobial Particles, an emerging technology from Corning, one of the world's leading innovators in materials science. Nippon Paint hopes this antiviral coating can help frontline health workers by offering an additional layer of protection against the coronavirus.
The four hospitals that received Nippon Paint’s coatings are Xiangyang No. 1 People’s Hospital, Xiangyang Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital, Xiangyang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Suixian People’s Hospital.
Both the China CDC (Center for Disease Control) and its US counterpart have declared that it is possible for a person to contract COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their mouth, nose, or eyes. Experts estimate that coronaviruses can live up to nine days on a surface depending on environmental conditions and the type of surface. With no vaccines or cures identified, the best way to combat this epidemic is through prevention, which includes disinfecting surfaces in hospitals, medical centers, offices, homes, and elsewhere.
Scientific studies classify viruses into three major groups based on their structure and resistance to disinfectants: enveloped viruses (e.g. HIV, hepatitis B, influenza A; very sensitive to disinfectants), large non-enveloped viruses (e.g. adenovirus and rotavirus intermediate resistant to disinfectants) and small non-enveloped viruses (e.g. Poliovirus, Norovirus/Feline Calicivirus, highly resistant to disinfectants). Non-enveloped virus can survive on surfaces for several weeks and are considered harder to kill than enveloped viruses.
Nippon Paint started to work with Corning on antivirus coating in June 2019. Nippon Paint’s Antivirus Kids Paint, an innovative product combining Corning Guardiant? Antimicrobial Particles and Nippon Paintkids paint, has been tested by Microchem Laboratory, an accredited, independent laboratory in the USonJanuary 29, 2020. The results show that the paint inactivates >99.9% of the Feline Calicivirus on its surface. FelineCalicivirus has been approved by EPA to replace human norovirus for detection.The coating alsokills >99.99% of harmful bacteria, including Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coliand Pseudomonas aeruginosaunder the latest test protocols that mimic contamination in everyday, indoor environments. Nippon Paint kids paint by itself is environmentally friendly and T?V and GREENGUARD certified.
Eric Chung, president of Nippon Paint China said: “Nippon Paint has always tried to push beyond the limits in the coating industry, developing sustainable products backed up with constant technological innovation. The coronavirus outbreak has prompted us once again to be highly innovative, and we are happy to work jointly with Corning at this particular time to complete the development, tests and production of the antivirus coating. We trust that our effort will give frontline healthcare professionals valuable support as they fight the virus.
Dr Joydeep Lahiri, division vice president and program director, Specialty Surfaces, Corning Incorporated, said: “We believe the paint created by Nippon Paint using Corning Guardiant? Antimicrobial Particles can offer an additional layer of protection by reducing the risk of infection from viruses on the painted surfaces of hospitals and medical centers.”
When the coronavirus outbreak was first reported, Nippon Paint China donated RMB 2 million to Hubei Xianning Red Cross Society to support its containment. The group also took part in building Zhuhai and Dongguan Xiaotangshan Hospitals. Nippon Paint believes that by giving health workers better protection when it is most needed, they can fight the coronavirus with greater confidence, and that together we will win the battle against the virus.
有标可依 中国涂料工业协会发布抗病毒涂料标准
疫情下复工 看立邦如何让员工放心
网址: 立邦与康宁向湖北捐赠经实验室检测抗病毒涂料 http://www.zhuangxiutp.com/newsview33101.html

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