公益与共创 | 一千零一个故事
We’re playing from both a child and adult perspective to across age and cultures for inspiration and motivation in the future. APCC is serious play to repair, connect, imagin and explore...
Innovation is the creative destruction of internal structures,giving way to form new experiences,new brands and new value.More luxury and fast fashion brands are jointly building new,innovative concepts and gaining global attention through social networks by creating a new paradigm of experience.
步骤一: 缴纳会费;获赠3万字的书【再造奢华】;
2019 we reached out 450 artists by 3,254 emails and 546 calls from HK to over 10 countries,had Beijing,Shanghai and Shenzhen 3roadshows to introduce LAVVEN story,signed 16 projects.Through LA VVEN platform 4 top and traditional manufactories from Europe and China created 4 series of artistic products by upcycled porcelain,Jeans and coffee grounds,one of series of Per Se has been sold 10 pieces before production,another furniture series had been launched at Shanghai TC café.
We built with the vision of creating cooperation between the philosophical silos of design,art,manufacturing and sustainability.Our goal is to realize creativity,artistic merit,mass production and upcycling of discarded materials into one,holistic agenda_ Extraordinary ordinary.
The modern design movement puts too much importance on painting and visualizing the past.Designers have become overly reliant on popular trends,all following one style while,neglecting design’s original intent: personal expression.Patrons choose designers for their unique,personal aesthetics.Following a trend is the antithesis of what it means to be a designer!
Real emotion has always been our physical and spiritual desire.All that we create is inspired by our daily life.Life is not always a beautiful movie or poem.By picking up the daily things that surround us,even the discarded ones,we can recombine them,linking their tiny and disparate narratives together into vivid life.
We call this:”the renaissance of the new generation”,previously a city was considered to be defined by its building and infrastructure.But today this perspective has changed.It is people,emotions,experiences and actions that define the narrative of the city much more than concrete.The buildings of a city may grow old and changed,but the immortal soul of the city,embodied in its people and culture is immortal.
Narrative Artists or Institution /叙事艺术家/机构:
1,Narrative Writer_叙事作家
2,Latin Dancer Black Pool Winner_国际黑池舞冠军
3,Canton Foodie_香港美食家
4,Chinese Painter_中国书画家
5,Michelin Chef_国际米其林大厨
6,Japanese Recycled Artist日本环保艺术家7,Pianist_国际钢琴师
8,China Porcelain Artist_中国陶瓷艺术家
9,China Traditional Culture Institution_中国传统文化研究院10,China Film director_中国电影导演
Up Cycled Manufactories_再生制造业:
1,Up Cycled Vehicle_再生汽车
2,Up Cycled Bicycle_再生自行车
3,Opera Up Cycled Stage_再生舞台
4,Up Cycled Remote Helicopter_再生遥控直升机
5,Up cycled Furniture_再生咖啡家具
6,Up Cycled Hotel Reserved Artworks_酒店再生收藏品
7,Up Cycled Artistic Shopping Mall_再生艺术商场
8,Up Cycled Classified Garbage_分类垃圾箱
9,Up Cycled Artistic Lighting_艺术灯具
10,Up Cycled Mobile_再生手机
Design Pionner设计师/创艺家:
1,Michael Young
2,Kelly Hoppen
3,Thomas Heathwick
4,Tony Chi季裕堂
5,Yabu Pushelpurg
6,Tino Kwan关永权
7,Kengo Kuma隈研吾
9,Alex Cheng程绍正韬
10,James Lee李昱
APCC is focusing on Chinese Traditional culture and up cycled by international creative perspective.We shall have 1st opening and 2nd show in 2020 to present 1001 inspirational stories.【聚焦国际创新,中国传承再生】。计划2020年6月将于上海朱家角安麓酒店首发仪式,12月进行年终大秀。总共两次的活动。
公益与共创 | 一千零一个故事
设计向善 ,共创未来!创基金5周年发布全新使命愿景
日日顺物流荣获2019年度公益项目奖 为行业发展注入新动能
恋人印记家居饰品 与每一个故事不期而遇
网址: 公益与共创 | 一千零一个故事

- 1除了榻榻米床柜一体设计,这3 6663
- 2写拆字的房子多久会拆 拆字为 6277
- 3干湿分离卫生间尺寸 小卫生间 5359
- 4明日之后漂亮房子教程是什么 4285
- 5小改变大有不同,小熊电器煮蛋 3828
- 6红厨品牌进口锅具热降温国内品 3661
- 7国外这些橱柜内部设计完爆国内 3284
- 8定制周刊|2022「发现中国 3249
- 9盼盼木门加盟条件 盼盼木门有 3151
- 10住民宿只能吃农家宴?阿尔法鱼 2935